Monday, December 17, 2012

Free Fallin'

I am on the Paleo-diet. The cave-man diet. Thus deprived of sugar (and sex, but that's another topic entirely and not really part of the diet because I am pretty sure cavemen and women had a lot of really hot sex after the hair dragging) I am not in a particulary good mood.

I have not had a trace of sugar, including fruits or even bread, for about 4 days. I have not had a trace of sex, including kissing or even handholding, for -- well, months.

All I really want to do is club people but who lets us do that this day and age? Yes, most of them are male but there are some women I wouldn't mind hurting.

I want to do my own kind of clubbing. No music required. Just blunt objects.

I am a ray of sunshine.

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