Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Message in a Bloggle

Google looms before me, smirking, and demands: "With most of the knowledge in the entire world at your fingertips, what do you choose to read about?"

Sometimes, I close the browser-- you see, Google's smirk is too big and my fingers tremble at the challenge.  Other times, I venture in with my thoughts- my heart on my sleeve.  I look for reassurance.  I look for connections. I look for wisdom. Seldom found, but always coveted. With Google, I am vulnerable even though I am scared.

Here I am, writing to you. I call it my message in a bloggle-- a mix of a blog and a bottle. A modern day attempt at finding a connection in the online ocean. If it lands at your feet, do you read it? I have been read before and those thoughts have been used against me. I will never stop trying to be understood, and even loved, in this vastness.

My dearest friend is in Syria. More than my friend, a soul mate. He told me yesterday that he almost died at a checkpoint from gunfire. The tears didn't stop.

I didn't tell anyone but you.

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