Sunday, October 28, 2012

Shedding Self-Consciousness and Counting Blessings

***Trying to shed the shade of self-consciousness that comes with an awareness that at least 2 people read by blog.

I had a grand meeting scheduled with some angel investors who were ***interested in my idea for digital fashion accessories and the patent I filed. Worked myself into a frenzy for the meeting-- albeit unconsciously because my conscious mind rises above such frivolity-- but I lost the opportunity because I left my place too late. (Yes, there was a traffic jam on the highway because of a disabled vehicle and I had built in an extra half hour travel time, but I still didn't leave soon enough. If I had really cared, I would have camped out in front of their building at 2am the night before. It's not like there aren't tents in Dubai and I would not freeze.)

If I were a guru, which I certainly am not, I would say that I was self-sabatoging. How I hate this idea of self-sabatoge. If I were so good at sabotoging, wouldn't I be able to sabotage my attempts at self-sabotage? Think about it.

So what is secure in my life ? What have I been successful in securing?

My own bed.
My own cigarettes.
A big butt.
Numerous ex boyfriends.

Wow. Counting my blessings outloud like that has really shown me the silver lining.

Overlapping Happiness via Venn Diagram

What is my secret, you may ask-- ? Stay tuned.

****interested : 1.defined loosely as the way investors act when you are passionate about something and then think maybe you are smart enough to not get totally excited about a completely dumb ass idea but they are not really sure-- 2. imagine you naked

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