Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bitter Fat Tired Old Bad Mood

I have a massive splitting headache. I don't know why. I had my daily intake of caffeine, sugar, and tobacco. For those of you who don't touch any of those things, or even just one of them, get off your high horse. I am happy for you -- so be happy for me.

In a really crappy mood, in case you didn't notice. So don't mess with me.

One of my friends recently irritated me with a post on facebook. Sometimes, I truly wish there was a dislike button.

She posted a pic of an outline of two women. The first was a thin female figure filled in with carrots, oranges, lettuce, and other vegetables and fruits. The second was a fat female figure filled in with donuts, cakes, bread, butter, and other carbs. Caption was something like -- 'you are what you eat' or 'put down that donut, fatty' or 'look at me, im skinny'--  or something. I obviously don't remember the caption. The image is burned in my memory because it irritated the hell out of me. No, I am not a fat girl. I am not a thin girl either, but I can tell you that I could eat only fruits and vegetables for the next 20 years and I may lose 2 pounds -- and I exercise daily, really exercise daily with sweat running down my body. Some of us are not meant to be thin because we have thyroid disorders and our metabolisms don't burn fat. I don't want to hear about how I eat junky food because the truth is, I don't -- not any more than some of you very skinny girls. I have seen you thin girls wolf down plates full of pasta, cakes, and chocolate and then complain if you gain a few pounds in a year. If I ate like that for one day, I would gain that few pounds over the next few hours.

All true.

I do like my curves but I don't like how the camera makes me look bigger. Why are cameras like this? Shouldn't there just be a setting in a camera to automatically reduce a person's size by 10 pounds?? With all of this technology, why has this not been done yet? Do something useful tech people. I am tired of technology just driving web pages. I don't want a better screen on my computer or a better iPhone. I want an honest camera.

What else?

I got a massage yesterday and went to two yoga classes but still manage to spew venom the next morning. Am I desperately unhappy or unhappily desperate? I think both.

Whoever planted that car bomb in Beirut should be shot. I hate you Beirut-car-bomber.

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