Thursday, October 4, 2012

So I mentioned how I am looking for a divine mate. Do I really believe in that stuff? I know I do believe that some people probably have more than one. Chances are, someone took mine. He is probably in the sack with her right now.

Being facetious, I think.

It just seems that I have never known the feeling of mutual love. Someone who adores me equally to how I adore him. Am I doomed not to know it ? I want to balance this equation. Since we are on the topic of the unrequited -- let me ask you (myself) the following questions:

Q-What do you do when you feel someone wants more from you than you are willing to give? Do you hang around and absorb all of their love and admiration into your ego or do you let go ?

A-You let go --

Q-Is there another option?

A- I do not think so. The relationship becomes toxic. Simply, the love/admiration, if not returned, goes awry, disrupting equality.

So, this is how I have loved, my whole life -- unequally. Either I adore, or I am adored, but I have never know the feeling of mutual adoration. I don't know how it feels to look all gooey-eyed at someone and have them look the same way back at me.

It's what I want folks. Shoot me.

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